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bee got disaster :(

TASIKMALAYA town yesterday where I live there was an earthquake disaster.

right around 14:55 maybe I was in my room to feel the vibration, I think it was a big truck passing by on the street front of my house.

I was silent for a moment watching my surroundings, it was a very big vibration.
I was shocked! I panicked! and I ra
n to the first floor and went out to meet my family who had already been on the first floor because they are on the first floor earlier. about a few minutes shocks that happened, I hugged my mother tightly outside the house with the others.

almost 3x the vibration that happens, but the vibration was the former greatest. after feeling safe, I and my father went back into the house and saw the conditions in my home.
thank God my house was not badly damaged, only a pile of books, ornaments from toraja, and picture frames that had fallen from the bookcase. when returned into the house I still feel scared, but my feelings gradually returned to normal.

my home furnishings conditions a few moments after the earthquake

thank you Alloh still gives me and my family to live . . .
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